Thursday, April 30, 2015

Boom-ing Concepts, Sidewalls, Band Reboots, Yes--Paradise... Mruk funds give Native Americans Art opp...and That one Poison Apple? It's all Good! @ GA/GI

                                                    An Event at Boom Concepts 

GA/GI Fest is booming at the seams, so DON'T MISS THIS FEST...
Boom (5139 Penn) it's Pittsburgh's POC Zine Distro Launch. A full youth focused whirlwind of personal memoirs, afro-futura, political and social commentary, poetry, comics, queer and trans experiences, feminists, yoga, herbal remedies for cures, and much more. The Distro facilitates collaborative efforts to create zines that are available to educators to aid in discussions about, social injustices, healing wellness and art. Opens 8 pm.

Work goes up at the Sidewall Project 
Sidewall (608 S. Millvalle) premiers Jennifer Howison's new work. Sidewall is a private residence dedicated to showing a local or national work each month to increase opportunities for artists to display their work publicly as well as to inspire, verbal and visual dialogue around current issues.

Paradise Gray, Activist @ LOCAL 412
LOCAL 412 (4901 Penn) will feature the Paradise Collection. Selected works that include original photography by Paradise Gray, iconic Pittsburgh activist, member of the hip hop group X Clan and co-curator of the Hip Hop Museum of New York City. 

At the Roboto Project (5106 Penn) view VOLKSBEAST-- a collection of 50 band posters from New York artist Joe Mruk of Red Buffalo Illustration. Posters will be for sale and will fund Mruks travels to teach art summer camp at Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Also LIVE band: Polar Scott and Sea Rights. $5 recommended donation at the door.
Joe Mruk @ Roboto
Adrienne Rozzi of Poison Apple  @ Artisan
Artisan Tattoo (5001 Penn) brings you Poison Apple Print Shop. Handmade art and fashion inspired by the magic, witchcraft and the occult, created by artist Adrienne Rozzi a talented local printmaker, and historian with a love of all things mystical. Her designs are hand drawn onto paper or fabric that can easily be sewn onto almost anything or hung on the wall.

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